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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

露西·安·诺克罗斯, 她是波士顿著名商人(后来的市长)奥蒂斯·诺克罗斯的妻子, purchased this portemonnaie (or change purse) after hearing Jenny Lind sing in Boston in 1850. 作者不详, the purse was just one of many Jenny Lind mementos available during her American tour.

P.T. 巴纳姆与南丁格尔交战

约翰娜·玛丽亚·林德于1820年10月6日出生在瑞典斯德哥尔摩. “珍妮,正如她后来所知, 第一次在公共场合唱歌是在10岁,到19世纪40年代, she had become a popular and widely sought-after performer on the European opera stage. 除了她的才华, Jenny was also well known for her charitable endeavors—over the course of her career, 她为大大小小的组织进行了多次义演.

Although he had never heard her sing a note, renowned showman and entrepreneur Phineas T. 巴纳姆从不错过任何一个机会. In 1849, aware of the sensation Jenny Lind’s singing and charitable endeavors had caused on the continent, 巴纳姆决定把她带到美国. 尽管她之前收到过在这里演出的邀请, Jenny is said to have confessed that she accepted 巴纳姆’s offer because his stationery featured an 图像 of 伊朗,他在康涅狄格州布里奇波特的豪宅这句话完全抓住了她的想象力. Their original contract called for 150 concerts over the course of 12-18 months, in addition to however many charitable concerts Jenny wanted to perform—terms were also laid out should either party decide to end the tour early. 巴纳姆 would pay for first class travel and lodgings for Jenny and her fellow performers and authorized his agent to offer her up to $1000 per concert.

一旦珍妮签了合同, 巴纳姆运转良好的宣传机器开始嗡嗡作响, introducing Jenny to an American public which (like 巴纳姆 himself) knew little or nothing of her. 激起人们对这次旅行的热情, 巴纳姆 announced a songwriting contest—the winner’s verses would be set to music by Lind’s composer Julius Benedict and performed at Lind’s American concerts. 贝亚德·泰勒(1825-1878)的诗, 宾夕法尼亚州诗人和作家, was chosen from among 700 entries and the composition became a popular part of her repertoire.

珍妮·林德和她的随行人员乘轮船抵达纽约市 大西洋 1850年9月1日星期日,热情的人群估计有40人,当她的船抛锚时,000人等着迎接她. After a few days getting acquainted with the city and meeting dignitaries and petitioners for her charity alike, Jenny performed her first concert at New York’s Castle Garden on Wednesday evening September 11.


In a tumultuous year in Boston that began with the trial of John White Webster for the murder of George Parkman, 珍妮·林德的到来一定像是一股清新的空气. 波士顿的报纸上满是og体育平台她这次航行的消息, 她抵达纽约, 对她首次演出的评论, 还有她慈善机构的通告, 为在波士顿受到热烈欢迎铺平了道路. 比如在纽约, prime concert tickets were auctioned off and the top price in Boston ($625 paid by Ossian F. 道奇(一位音乐家)比纽约的工资高出375美元!

在她到达波士顿后, Jenny took up residence at the Revere House in four rooms of "superior grandeur.包括爱德华·埃弗雷特(Edward Everett)在内的英联邦名人都来看望过她, 亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗, 乔治布里格斯州长, 丹尼尔·韦伯斯特. 在特雷蒙特神庙的热情和座无虚席的房子里演出之后, Jenny was scheduled to perform her final two Boston concerts at the Fitchburg Railroad Depot on Causeway Street—a decision that threatened to destroy any goodwill she and 巴纳姆 had earned. Although the hall was not particularly well suited to musical performances, 第一个晚上的音乐会平安无事地过去了, 但在第二天也是最后一晚, a large and boisterous crowd gathered and a near riot ensued with crowds rushing the stage, 破碎的门窗, 不满的顾客. 波士顿 阿特拉斯 of 14 October 1850 described it as a "disgraceful scene … the last of a series of unparalleled impositions on the public.珍妮在一片混乱中表现出色, but the bad publicity forced 巴纳姆 to issue refunds to hundreds of dissatisfied ticketholders.

即使在她离开这座城市之后, Boston’s newspapers continued to follow the "Swedish Nightingale" on her travels throughout the country-- sharing news of her concert triumphs (and tribulations), 慈善行为, 以及其他便条——保证她永远不会远离波士顿人的心. 经过几个月的巡回演出,包括在美国各地的停留, 还有哈瓦那, 古巴, 珍妮回到了东北那里, 在她的第93场演唱会之后, 她和巴纳姆正式分道扬镳. Jenny paid 巴纳姆 for the early termination and continued to tour under her own management. 她在波士顿举行了她的最后一场音乐会 第二个 1851年12月6日. 在纽黑文的音乐会之后, 伍斯特, 费城, 和纽约, Jenny returned to Boston where she married her pianist Otto Goldschmidt at the Louisburg Square home of Dr. 和夫人. 塞缪尔·格雷·沃德,1852年2月5日. 在北安普顿度了三个月的蜜月之后, 麻萨诸塞州, the Goldschmidts emerged to perform two charitable concerts in that town as well as three more concerts in New York before departing for England aboard the same ship that had carried her to American shores. 用她美国巡演的收入, 估计超过350美元,000美元(相当于今天的900多万美元), Jenny Lind was able to fulfil her dream of endowing free schools in her native Sweden. Jenny and Otto Goldschmidt eventually settled in England and had three children. 虽然她再也没有回到歌剧界,但珍妮继续在音乐会演出. She died at age 67 and was buried with a patchwork quilt that had been given to her by schoolchildren during her American tour.


The change purse featured here is just one artifact of the Jenny Lind craze in America. In addition to the ubiquitous Jenny Lind songbooks (often with biographies of Jenny and P.T. 巴纳姆)在她的演唱会上卖出, 还有珍妮·林德的平版版画, 照片, 令牌, 球迷, 炉灶, 茶壶, 和其他的Lindiana. 在她离开这个世界很久之后, 她的名字和肖像被用来出售瓷器, 银器, 家具, 甚至还有钓鱼线! 在她踏上波士顿之前 解放者 of 13 September 1850 chided the building Jenny-mania under the headline "Folly":

…it is time for some of our city people to begin to make fools of themselves, 把自己套在她的马车上, or worshipping her as a divinity … nothing will do this season except Jenny Lind blondes, 和詹妮·林德·伯萨斯, 珍妮林德手表和珍妮林德链条, 珍妮林德鞋和珍妮林德衬裙, 珍妮林德帽子和头饰, 和珍妮·林德的紧身连衣裙, and a new article called Jenny Lind wrappers … if persons could only get a peep at her 睡眠ing apartments and bill of fare, 毫无疑问,他们会吃的, 喝, 睡眠, 眨眨眼,擤擤鼻子 你好,珍妮·林德 … they had much better follow the customs of the divine songstress … and distribute charity—你好,珍妮·林德!

11月, 解放者 reprinted a story on the craze for all things Jenny, which by this time was sweeping the country:

New stores and saloons and hotels are christened “珍妮 Lind"; steamboats, 机车, 阶段, and all vehicles are “珍妮s"; on ‘Change they sell “珍妮"-see wheat; the spinning “珍妮" is eclipsed by the singing “珍妮," at least for this “珍妮"-ration; people delight in tracing their “珍妮"-alogy back into Sweden; all men seem to be studying verbs in the “珍妮"-tive case; even “珍妮"-rosity is a virtue no longer neglected; even our only military Major Jenny-ral has surrendered to the queen; fond mothers call their babes, 运动员们的狗和马, 农民养牛养猪, “珍妮s"; in short “珍妮" is the “珍妮"-ric term for all these things, 还有多少人, “珍妮”知道什么."


菲尼亚斯·巴纳姆. P的生活.T. 巴纳姆. 纽约:雷德菲尔德,1855年.

邓斯莫尔,莎拉·珍妮. 珍妮·林德:瑞典夜莺的故事. [英]:RedDoor出版社,2015.


制品、W. 波特和塞迪厄斯C. 小微冻. P. T. 巴纳姆介绍珍妮林德:瑞典夜莺的美国之旅. 巴吞鲁日:路易斯安那州立大学出版社,1980.